A training package with Modern Slavery Consultants starts long before the classroom when we sit down and spend time getting under the skin of your business to understand your needs and where we can help educate and train your staff, at whatever level, to play their part in ensuring a slave-free workplace.
From here, we will make our recommendations. From the top down, this could include:
- Boardroom level training to enable leaders to assess the risks, develop strategy and create policies and procedures to protect the organisation and its staff and to write its Slavery Statement in compliance with s54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015
- Management training to ensure this vital middle layer understands how and where modern slavery may occur within the business and what will most likely be their role in dealing with any cases in the initial stages
- Shop floor training to equip the workforce, and/or key team leaders, with an awareness of modern slavery and human trafficking as they are the ones most likely to see it in the first instance
- Customer facing staff training for those who visit, and contract with, your suppliers to ensure that they are able to spot the signs of slavery or trafficking should this be happening within your supply chain
- Awareness sessions for any groups who would benefit from an overview on the general issues of modern slavery
All training will seek to deliver an overview of modern slavery and human trafficking, what it is and how we define it. It will also detail the signs and indicators that may suggest that someone could be a victim and ensure that there is a clear understanding of the organisation’s procedures to deal with a case should this occur.
Wherever possible, the training content will be tailored to the specific business sector/s with relevant case studies and film clips used to demonstrate and support. Where it would be beneficial or relevant, perhaps following an identified incidence of modern slavery or human trafficking, one of our investigators may also attend the training from an operational perspective.
Trainees will each receive supporting materials as appropriate to their role within the organisation.
We know that our training is impactful and works, indeed a recent case which led to the conviction of three perpetrators was as a result of someone who had attended a session delivered by one of our trainers. But don’t just take our word for it…
But don't just take our word for it...