It is all around us, hidden in plain sight. It is walking our streets, supplying shops and supermarkets, working in fields, factories… Something most of us thought consigned to history books, belonging to a different century, is a shameful and shocking presence in modern Britain."

(Theresa May, Home Secretary, 2013)

There are more people in slavery today than at any time in history - men, women, and children exploited and treated as commodities.

Modern Slavery Consultants offers a wide and varied range of services designed to help you understand, recognise and respond to human trafficking and modern slavery, wherever this may be occurring, either in your own organisation or your supply chains.

Our Services


and awareness raising within the organisation and its supply chain

Risk Assessment

of modern day slavery

Developing Strategies

and procedures to deal with potential cases of modern day slavery

Slavery Statements

assistance in producing a slavery statement in compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015

Supply Chain Audits

support during audits of  supply chains to identify potential slavery

Internal Investigations

into human trafficking and modern slavery and support in dealing with police, victims, colleagues and the media

Covert Surveillance

operations to support investigations

Consultancy Service

We constantly monitor developments in human trafficking and modernslavery issues

What Our Customers Say