We offer a wide and varied range of services designed to help you understand, recognise and respond to human trafficking and modern slavery, wherever this may be occurring, either in your own organisation or your supply chains.
Our staff have personally trained over 5000 frontline professionals to identify the indicators of human trafficking, take appropriate action to safeguard the victim and, where appropriate, notify the police or other first responders. We have developed a comprehensive training package that can be delivered by our training team to a wide range of public, private and third sector organisations and, where appropriate, their supply chains. We design and develop bespoke training packages for any organisation using scenarios drawn from their own business models to make the training relevant and appropriate to each organisational role. The training sessions can be supported by comprehensive training materials along with relevant video scenarios. We have the capacity to raise general awareness and to fully train small numbers of senior and middle managers and large numbers of the workforce depending on your business needs.
Risk Assessment of Modern Day Slavery
Our staff have un-paralleled experience working in the field of human trafficking and modern slavery. Our investigators have identified and rescued hundreds of victims and helped to convict several traffickers in some of the most high profile cases in the UK. This means we are perfectly positioned to help undertake a comprehensive assessment of your business to identify where the risk of exposure to human trafficking or slavery might exist, and to put steps in place to mitigate those risks.
Developing Appropriate Strategies and Procedures to deal with Potential Cases of Modern Day Slavery
Very few organisations would have the necessary knowledge, ability or capacity required to plan for, or deal effectively with, a victim of modern slavery or human trafficking within the organisation itself or its supply chain. No victim is compelled under British law to report their crime to the police but all are eligible for support from the government if they are identified as a victim of trafficking or slavery. It is vital to take the correct action when first becoming aware of a potential victim or situation and even more important that a victim is treated properly once identified. Our staff can help you develop and establish strategies, policies and procedures to prepare for such cases and, importantly, offer a 24/7 support to any organisation to deal with them should a case arise.
Assistance in producing a Slavery Statement in compliance with Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015
The requirement to produce a Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement is a new obligation (for companies with a turnover of £36m and above) under Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and it is important that organisations deal with this correctly or risk serious reputational damage, possible legal injunctions and/or unlimited fines as a consequence. Certain sections of the media are monitoring organisations and are sure to expose those which fail to comply with the legislation or those which are deemed to have taken only minimal action or paid lip service to their duties.
Support during Audits of Supply Chains to identify Potential Slavery
We have examples of audits carried out by major organisations which failed to uncover human trafficking and modern day slavery. Our staff were involved in taking those cases to court and helped to secure convictions of directors involved. The businesses in some of these cases collapsed and now cease to trade as a result of their crime. As experienced investigators, we know where to look for human trafficking and slavery and how to help safeguard organisations that have extended supply chains.
Internal Investigations into Human Trafficking and Slavery and support in dealing with Police, Victims, Colleagues and the Media
All our investigators are former high-ranking and highly respected police officers. We have conducted our own investigations into human trafficking and slavery and, when appropriate we have investigated jointly with the police service and/or other agencies. We have a complete understanding of the support required by, and available to, victims and a wealth of experience in dealing with the media at both national and local level regarding slavery cases and related issues.
Covert Surveillance Operations to support Investigations
Our investigators are trained in covert surveillance techniques and have used this skill to collect evidence on numerous traffickers and to identify and rescue many victims. This service can be very helpful to organisations when there is a need to expertly assess a possible or developing case of slavery or human trafficking either within its own business or along its supply chain.
Consultancy Service
We constantly monitor developments in human trafficking and modern slavery issues and the impact they may have on businesses. This means we are ideally placed to highlight any action that might need to be considered and/or adopted to both protect and enhance an organisation’s reputation and brand and also its customer base as more and more consumers seek out businesses with higher ethical standards.
We welcome the opportunity to discuss your own particular business needs and are keen to work with you to develop specific and sustainable solutions from preventative strategies to reactive response.